BOMBSHELL: Italian MP Calls for Bill Gates to Be Charged with ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ (Must Video)

An Italian MP has called for billionaire Bill Gates to face trial in the International Criminal Court for charges of "crimes against humanity" Sara Cunial, a member of Italy's Parliament, isaccusing Microsoft founder Gates of "workingon depopulation and dictatorial control plans"around the world.The politician blasted Gates, the second-richestman in the world, for meddling in "global politics"while alleging he is playing a sinister role in thecoronavirus pandemic.During a blistering speech on the floor of thenational parliament, Cunial slammed ItalianPresident Giuseppe Conte, accusing him ofteaming up with Gates in a "global coup""The real goal of all of this is total control," Cunialdeclared."Absolute dominion over all people, who will betransformed into guinea pigs and slaves whohave no sovereignty and free will.""We, the people, will build the fires of resistanceto such an extent it will not be possible torepress all of us," Cunial declared beforeparliament.I ask you, leader (of parliament), to be ourspokesperson who will give advice to PresidentConte: Next time you receive a phone call fromthe 'philanthropist' Bill Gates, forward it directlyto the International Criminal Court for crimesagainst humanity."If you won't do this for us, tell us how we shoulddefine you, the 'friendly lawyer who takes ordersfrom a criminal""The Italian contribution to the InternationalAlliance Against Coronavirus will be 140 millionEuros, of which 120 million will be given to GAVI1Alliance, a 'nonprofit' created by the GatesFoundation" the MP added.This is just part of the 7.4 billion received bythe EU to 'find a vaccine' against coronavirusvaccines which, as I said - will be used byGates."You take away our freedom and say that weasked for it. Divide and conquer" she added.Meanwhile, as Neon Nettlepreviously reported, a Bill Gates-fundedCOVID-19 tracking program has been shutdown by the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration (FDA).The Seattle-based initiative, SeattleCoronavirus Assessment Network, or SCAN,has been ordered to halt its at-homecoronavirus testing scheme by the federalauthorities, according to reports.The FDA has ordered SCAN to stop screeningfor the virus, putting the program, that hasbeen providing hundreds of home testing kitseach day, on pause.As of Wednesday, all links to the project'swebsite now redirect to a notice stating itsoperations are "currently paused" due to aconflict with the FDA."SCAN has been operating under an emergencyuse authorization (EUA) from the WashingtonState Department of Health," the notice says."We have been notified that under revisedguidance issued on May 8th, a separate federalEUA is now required" to continue testing
