President Donald Trump on Thursday affirmed that there will be an orderly transition of power to President-elect Joe Biden.

A statement from Trump tweeted by White

House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications

and Director of Social Media Dan Scavino came

following unprecedented scenes of a disorderly

mob running amok in the U.S. Capitol after a

"Stop the Steal" protest morphed into a wild riot

that surged through the Capitol Building, forcing

a lockdown and triggering gunfire.

Since Twitter, YouTube and Facebook have

blocked Trump from directly communicating

on social media as he has throughout his

presidency, the message was tweeted by his

son Eric Trump.

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio read the

statement on the House floor, according to

The New York Times.

"Even though I totally disagree with the outcome

of the election, and the facts bear me out,

nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on

January 20th," the tweeted statement read.

"I have always said we would continue our fight

to ensure that only legal votes were counted.While this represents the end of the greatest first

term in presidential history, it's only the beginning

of our fight to Make America Great Again!"

The statement used Scavino's account because

at the time it was sent, Twitter had suspended

Trump's personal account.Trump's statement

also came after Congress certified the results of

the Electoral College vote that gave Biden the


The certification vote had been a contentious

debate between those who claimed the election

was marred by misconduct and those who

attacked such claims until the rioting led to the

process being suspended Wednesday afternoon.

By the time the certification resumed late

Wednesday, after the Capitol had been secured in

the aftermath of the rioting, many said it was

simply time to move on. That spirit was summed

up in comments from Trump supporter Sen.

Lindsey Graham, according to NBC News."All I can say is count me out. Enough is enough,"

the South Carolina Republican said in a floor


"Final thing: Joe Biden. I've traveled the world

with Joe. I hoped he'd lose. I prayed he would

lose. He won. He is the legitimate president of

the United States Graham said.

"I cannot convince people, certain groups, by my

words, but I will tell you by my actions, that

maybe I-among, above all others in this body

need to say this: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

are lawfully elected and will become the

president and the vice president of the United

States on January the 20th," he added.Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, who

lost a runoff election Tuesday and will be leaving

the Senate, said that in a few hours of chaos,

coupled with elections that have handed

Democrats the reins of power, the political world

had changed.

"When I arrived in Washington this morning, I

fully intended to object to the certification of the

electoral votes" Loeffler said.

"However, the events that have transpired today

have forced me to reconsider. I cannot now in

good conscience object to the certification of

these electors. The violence, the lawlessness and

siege of the halls of Congress are abhorrent and

stand as a direct attack on the very institution my

objection was intended to protect: the sanctity of

the American democratic process," she said,

while still insisting there were "serious irregularities" in the election.

Trump had said in September that he would

support what he called a "smooth, beautiful

transition" if he lost the election, but linked that

to being defeated in "an honest vote."

Near the close of Trump's Wednesday speech

that came before the protests turned violent, he

told supporters that the end had not yet arrived.

"Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors

have not yet begun. My fellow Americans for our

movement, for our children and for our beloved

country and I say this, despite all that's

happened, the best is yet to come" Trump said.
